Crashed & Burned: 4/17 – 23 WRD

Or is that burned & crashed? I didn’t injure myself, if that’s what you’re thinking.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and resting, resting, and more rest — although by end of the week I was walking again and that felt good to both myself and Bandit.

Workouts update
Some walking and some Yoga and not that much of either. Monday I felt pretty rough, by Thursday I was feeling much better, but I went to see my mom on Friday and I knew that would be a slight setback.

What I didn’t know about was the COVID outbreak where she lives. Don’t know how many people have it, but I know one guy (masked) was wandering around the office area despite being told to stay in his apartment until he tested negative. I tested 3 times, by the way, because I always want to be cautious if I’m going there, and obviously all 3 test were negative.

Olana in bloom (Friday)

Favorites of the week
Mr. Judy helped out with some of the things that had to happen this week, like taking Bandit to the vet (and shopping for some stuff for my mom and her aide). They think he stepped on something, maybe. Mr. Judy thought he stabbed himself with his dew claw, but I thought we would have seen a lot of blood if we had — the vet agreed with me that that’s unlikely, although it can happen.

Mr. Judy took him; he was a good boy, so I’m told

So basically he’s okay and cleared for short walks. After no walks for about 3 days between his injury and my sickness, he was raring to go by Wednesday — even without me!

Apparently flowering trees/bushes suffered from a lack of snow this winter. So sad that this year my Forsythia is not putting on its usual show 😦 BTW, we marked 14 years of living in this house this week (another “temporary” assignment)

I watched Transatlantic on Netflix, which I totally recommend. I’ve also started Unbelievable, also on Netflix, and that’s good too. I almost always enjoy anything with Toni Colette in it.

ICYMI: This is a great Yin Yoga practice for the morning after a run. Not a fan of me talking? In this practice I’m just cueing your from pose to pose (but don’t forget to pause the video and do the quad stretch on the second side! Oops). Show yourself some love and practice with me here. If you’re short on time I’ve got a shorter Spring Yin Yoga practice here.

Coming up next Week: I did run enough in April to runfess a bit.

30 thoughts on “Crashed & Burned: 4/17 – 23 WRD

  1. Sorry it was tough week… being sick is no fun. At least you are not racing (or working). So you can take the time off to recover.

    COVID is still around. I’m so excited to get my 6th vaccine today!! Fingers crossed for no reaction (but I’ve had any for the previous 5 but means nothing.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you don’t get a reaction. Well I may not get paid (yet) but I am actually working pretty hard, and I had a lot o do this week — and especially in the next few days.

      I know it’ll all turn out alright.


  2. Since I missed all of last week’s blogging and reading, I didn’t realize you’d been sick. I hope you’re making steady progress back to 100% (sounds like it). Glad to hear Bandit’s paw is feeling better and he’s able to go on short walks again. Take care, both of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry to hear you were sick. We are both on the mend I hope! Props to you for seeing your mom as much as you do. Mine is having her second surgery in as many months and it’s a lot to tend to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a lot. And not just physically. Glad you’re feeling better too! I would probably see my mom much more frequently if she wasn’t 2 hours away. But she had zero interest in moving here.


  4. Oh those grape hyacinth! Those are such a beautiful sign of spring! We had a ton of them in our Michigan yard, but I’ve not had any luck getting them to grow here. I hope you’re feeling better this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like a lot of people were under the weather this week — it’s hard to keep in mind that we all live so far apart. Ugh on people being careless about (possibly) having covid. I guess I am guilty myself but it never crossed my mind that my tickly throat was covid when I got it in February.

    I love the smell of hyacinth!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hyacinths are amazing. 🙂 My mom told me yesterday that there are 10 cases, which is a very small percentage — but probably a large percentage of those that actually go out & about. Because I’m there so often I try to be very careful.


  6. So sorry to hear about your illness and the Covid outbreak. People can be so ignorant about it and just go about their daily lives while having it.. I’m glad you’re better (and Bandit too) and getting out for walks again.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sorry you weren’t well – so no covid though? just feeling blurgh? We are not masking at all here (it’s like nothing ever happened) but if I even feel slightly off I’m 100% in the house no contact with anyone. poor Ron was under the weather the first couple day we were in Spain so he couldn’t spend any time with my dad since he’s too at risk from chemo.

    so when is your next temporary assignment? I was only going to live with Ron in the apartment temporarily and it ended up being 15 years…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My husband is retired. The next move is on us! This one was our second temporary assignment. The previous one was in TX — and were stayed there for 17 years & thought that we’d retire there. Funny how life happens!


  8. Sorry you aren’t feeling well – I hope you’re all better soon. And poor, sweet Bandit. The pugs have what I call “raptor claws” – they each have one dew claw that is horrifying. And pugs are the most dramatic when it comes to clipping.

    Those tulips are everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve realised to my horror that when I was ill in Feb/March I probably had Covid! I tested three times, all negative, Matthew got it too but less badly, also tested negative, however there’s a variant here with a very bad throat and conjunctivitis (pink-eye) – I had kept saying it must be a cold as no one gets conjunctivitis with Covid … Anyway glad you and Bandit are both OK, as you can see I am still behind with blogs. Also still allowed to do 10-12 mins running every other day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry you can’t run more, but glad you can run again!

      I’m pretty darn certain for me it was just burnout, not COVID. It was a fever, & thankfully not too bad, but it fell during a very busy period. Of course there’s never a good time to be sick! Neither my husband nor my mom caught anything from me, thankfully.


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