The One That Almost Didn’t Happen!: Tea/coffee Date October 2021

Thanks,  Coco and Deborah, I'm sitting here with my hot chocolate, and now the weather is appropriate for it! The subject doesn't refer to races; I'm talking about this post. Seriously how cheerful is this mug? If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .I'd tell you I collect mugs. I use them, too. I got one from … Continue reading The One That Almost Didn’t Happen!: Tea/coffee Date October 2021

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, Part II

Everyone has one: something they struggle with in their life. Usually their whole lives. Weight is definitely one of my struggles. Many of my local friends don't really get it, because while they've seen the photos, they never knew me as a very heavy person, or it's not a struggle for them. By the way, … Continue reading Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, Part II