5 Foods fueling my runs

I have done a lot of experimenting with alternative, home made fuel this training cycle.



Today I am joining up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy to talk share with you five of my favorites — and three of the books I got them from.

Date Almond Bars
An oldie but a goodie, from Nutrition for Runners (not an affiliate link). These don’t even require cooking. You pulse together some oats, almonds, dates, cinnamon and salt until they hold together. Press into a pan and refrigerate.

I like to cut them into small pieces and roll them into little balls. They stand up surprisingly well to a long run.

Didn’t stick together enough for on the run

Rice Balls
I’m pretty sure I won’t be fueling with the rice balls from Feedzone Portables (Amazon Affiliate link) in my half, but I’m also pretty sure that I’ll be taking some along for snacks.

Essentially oats and sushi rice cooked together; you add some sea salt, some cinnamon, some coconut sugar and some chocolate chips. Roll them into little balls. Very easy to digest, very light.

My only problem when I tried them out on the run? Too messy. I do like them as a nice dessert for a meal where I want to stay generally low carb but still include a little carbs.

Salty Balls
These were kind of a bust. Not because I didn’t like them; oh no, quite the contrary, maybe I liked them a little too much. Essentially equal parts brown rice syrup, nut butter, and protein powder microwaved together until they bubble. Add a little salt.

They’re kind of like malted balls. But they’re sticky, and they have a tendency to stick together on the run.

I really like these post run — so much that I found myself indulging in them too much. These came from ROAR (Amazon Affiliate link).

They pack a caloric whallop, but I love these bars!

Fig Crumble Bars
I am so in love with these bars from Rocket Fuel (Amazon Affiliate link) I can’t even tell you. Like the Salty Balls above, though, rather high in calories. Which is fine while you’re running many miles, but maybe a bit too tempting when you’re not.

Plus, crumble. Although using my Amphipod SnapPod (Amazon Affliaite link), they actually stood up fairly well. I did the same thing with these as I did with the Date bars: cut them into little pieces and rolled them into balls. And while that worked, it was hard to cut them into really small balls.

You can try Fig Newtons, too.

Simple, light, not too sweet — we have a winner!

Chocoloate Chip Cookies
These little nuggets from Feedzone Portables (Amazon Affiliate link) were a surprising winner. Now, before you go drooling over toll house cookies on the run, these aren’t those. Which is good — because I don’t actually like overly sweet stuff on the run.

The first time I made these cookies, I didn’t have the potato flour called for in the recipe. After some research I subbed in quinoa flour. I think I actually prefer them that way — I finally found potato flour (not the same as potato starch, btw), and made another batch with it after I ate up the first batch.

These really are quite plain, but they work for me.

So let me know in the comments:

Have you ever tried anything other than sport drinks, chews, or gels?

Have a favorite recipe/book to share with us?

How do you carry your fuel with you during a race?

30 thoughts on “5 Foods fueling my runs

  1. I only carry Gu and it is easy to carry. I don’t eat real food. Of course, if someone made some for me, I’d gladly eat it AFTER my run. (Thanks for the bar!!)

    It’s much less time-consuming to buy food than spend the time making it plus I don’t even have any of the ingredients. I could make the time I guess but I prefer in the evenings to go out with friends.

    You enjoy it and you have the time so that’s great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve looked for the recipe on her blog (some of them were on it), but never found it. They’re one of my favorites.

      Really, just throw some oats & almonds & dates in a food processor. Add more dates if it doesn’t stick together. Some salt & cinnamon.


  2. These all look interesting and sound rather yummy! I have heard baby food (now available in “packs” like juice pouches) is a good alternative…..but I have yet to try them. I’m easing back to gels, more for the convenience than anything.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow you’ve got lots of options! The only non-gel/chew fuel I’ve run with is dried fruit like apricots, raisins, etc. Now that I’m not wearing a Fuel Belt, I keep my fuel in my Spibelt.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We’re having a very nice racecation. At least I am. 😊

        If I were a runner when I lived in TX, I think I would have run more on the treadmill than I do in NY! I’d rather be cold. Can’t help but wonder what my time would’ve been on the same course, about 30 degrees cooler. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

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