Damn you, s’mores: Runfessions July 2017


July may have been quiet, but I still have a few runfessions to get off my chest. Or thighs, or buns . . . it seems like food is the theme in a lot of them this month!

Join me, Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice and other bloggers — reading other bloggers’ runfessions might just make you feel better..

I runfess . . .
I have a tendency to bit off more than I can chew — literally and figuratively. The literally being I tend to be a volume girl when eating (don’t give me teeny tiny portions!).

The figuratively being I get caught up in what I want to do vs what I should do vs what what’s realistic to do, and sometimes tire myself out needlessly. Take last Friday, for instance. I wanted to bake some stuff to bring to a party I was going to. And I just wanted to test out a lot of recipes I’d been eyeing for a while!

So I:

  • Walked the dogs
  • Made a smoothie to sip while exercising
  • Rode the stationary bike
  • Then did arms & abs
  • Baked brownie bites
  • Baked Banana oatmeal cookies simply because I had a couple of very ripe bananas
  • Made a dip for the party
  • Mixed up the batter for the s’mores cookies I planned to bake the next day
  • Washed towels
  • Mixed up the batter for my breakfast cookies the next day
  • Made a smoothie to drink post long run the next day
  • Cut up some lettuce and put it in mason jars for future salads
  • And of course fed the furkids and went outside with them multiple times throughout the day

Basically, I was pretty much on my feet from about 7 am until about 2 pm.

This was the day before my long run, naturally. So much for taking it easy.


I runfess . . .
I definitely got carried away with the S’mores Cookies I talked about in last week’s Weekly Wrap (read it here). And maybe those Fig Bars, too. As in I ate more than I should have.

I’m usually pretty good, but I’m blaming the runger.

I runfess . . .
One day I ran in the morning on a super humid day, which means lots of sweat. I didn’t feel like struggling out of those sweaty clothes knowing I’d either have to wear some new workout clothes or get back into them later . . . so I stayed in them a few hours, until I’d finished my strength training and some yoga.

Good thing there was no one around me to be grossed out by it!

I runfess . . .
I wimped out and decided to run on the treadmill on a humid, rainy day that actually turned out to not be all that rainy. I can’t tell you the amount of times I went back and forth between I’ll run outside, I’ll run on the treadmill. It was quite the epic battle.

I runfess I probably would have run outside if I hadn’t misplaced my Garmin charger and my Garmin had very little charge. The charger is magnetic, which is great, except for the fact that it has a tendency to stick to metal objects. I know I’d charged it Friday before my long run, and dammit why didn’t I charge it back up after that run?

It was just an easy run, but how would I know when to run, when to walk? Or how far I’d gone? Not to mention I’d probably have to download an app so I could tell how far I’d run and I didn’t want to deal with that.

Mr. Judy had been complaining about the fact that I hadn’t yet tested out the treadmill after he fixed it again. So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I runfess . . .
I normally don’t struggle with my weight as much during the summer, but this summer is different. Maybe it was all the travel and halfs. So knowing I only had a little wiggle room on my first of the month Weight Watchers weigh in to stay free for the month, I actually weighed several different dresses before I got dressed.

In the end I went with my lucky weigh in dress. Yes, I have one — basically, it’s the lightest dress I own. I will be heartbroken when it’s no longer wearable! In the end I could have worn something heavier, but I don’t have a scale at home and I wasn’t sure.

Everybody’s luck runs out sometime . . .

Do you sometimes overbook yourself?

How long would you stay in sweaty workout clothes?

What is the weirdest thing you’ve done to get a good weigh-in?

Wouldn’t you like to get some runfessions off your mind? Come join us


I am also linking up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy today.


24 thoughts on “Damn you, s’mores: Runfessions July 2017

  1. Running on the TM is harder and slower than running outside. What would you do if you didn’t have one? You could just run for fun….. I’ve only used my Garmin twice this month (both for races.) OOps. I forgot you hired a coach.

    i don’t bake in the summer because it makes the house hotter and costs more to cool. That’s my story LOL

    What do you wear to weigh in in the winter? Of course on a home scale, you a nude,right? Congrats on not gaining weight while eating those treats. I ate the whole bag before one run (and it was only 3 miles.)

    Since I don’t exercise after I run, I usually take a shower right away when I am sweaty. (esp this summer – always sweaty after running and gross!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I were just running for fun I wouldn’t be on the treadmill, for sure!

      Since my kitchen is on the upper floor, and that heats up naturally, the AC is going even on days when it’s not that warm outside. I open windows, but by the afternoon it just heats up there whether the oven is on or not.

      In the winter I wear the same dress, but with boots and a sweater over it (and of course take off the sweater to WI). I don’t own a scale.

      If it had just been a tank, and not a tank with a shelf bra, no doubt I would have changed into a different top. I just didn’t feel like battling my way out of it and it did eventually dry out. Most of the time I do change my top even so, not sure what really got into me that day.


  2. I try not to overbook myself outside of work, but July has been pretty busy, between work and some things two weeks ago. Those things were planned though, before I knew how busy I’d be at work. Lesson learned: I’m not planning anything next July.

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    1. I don’t regret the stuff I did, but I sort of crashed and burned this week and had to do a lot more resting than normal.

      I definitely wasn’t on my feet all day today like last Friday!


  3. Wow, I’m tired just looking at that list of things you did in the day! Those smores cookies look delicious. I love that you have a lucky weigh in dress 🙂 I’ve got one of those too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s nice to know I’m not the only crazy one — actually, I know that I’m not, but of course not everyone understands (lucky them).

      I definitely did a bit too much last Friday — I didn’t know I’d barely get any sleep that night, too. I’m taking it far easier today!


  4. Those smores cookies look SO good! I’ve been struggling with weight since Spring, I haven’t gained any more, but I haven’t lost that much either, it’s so frustrating and I blame runger! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The funny thing is those aren’t the actual cookies — they are s’mores cookies, but a different recipe; the ones I made *I* think were sooooo much better — just not quite as photogenic (as in I didn’t take any photos of them).

      You’re training for a marathon — you need that fuel!


  5. I can stay in sweaty workout clothes until I start to get cold, then all of it’s coming off and it’s shower time. Basically I wait until I stop sweating to take a shower.

    You already know my opinion on s’mores!! But unlike you, one bite and I’d gain 5 pounds easy, 😂😂😂. But sometimes totally worth it! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lol! Judy your blog is always about food!!!! But that’s ok because you cook and eat some interesting things! I can enjoy just looking at them….
    Sweaty clothes? Sometimes I do, but generally no. If they dry quickly that’s ok, but I don’t like to stay damp because that leads to chafing and skin problems. Especially if you have cleavage – boobs or bum😂😊- There’s no wicking fabric there and I need to get those areas clean and dry!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t get chafing from just staying in sweaty workout clothes for a while, thankfully (and I do use a shower wipe even if I’m not changing).

      I don’t have much cleavage, btw. The random chafing I do get is usually underarms (although sometimes in the bum area — sometimes in winter! — like I said, totally random).


  7. I’ve never heard of someone weighing their clothes before. That’s kind of hilarious!

    I’ll runfess that I stay in my sweating clothes sometimes way too often. After a tough workout, I just don’t feel like struggling out of my clothes, too. LOL.

    I fell in love with figs at blogfest! Now I need to find some good fig recipes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think over-booking is one of my personality flaws (though others on the “asking” end might disagree LOL). I have been known to hibernate in sweaty workout clothes if I know I”m gonna be getting sweaty again a short while (or long while) later.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can stay in workout clothes after a workout as long as I’m still outside where it’s warm. Once I get inside with the air conditioner and get cold …that’s it.

    I weigh almost daily ….in the morning, after coffee, naked. It’s a ritual. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I try to change clothes ASAP even if I can’t shower right away, which means an extra set of clothes to wash. I think that Garmin charger has a crazy strong magnet — everything clings to it!

    Liked by 1 person

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