The one where I skip stuff: Runfessions September 2019


I usually try to refrain from the “ohmygosh it’s already _____” statements. But ohmygosh I can’t believe September is almost over. Truly, with all the unexpected travel to my parents it went by in the blink of an eye. I’m joining Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice and getting a few other runfessions off my chest.

Except suddenly when I wanted to take a photo, it got a signal quickly! I had to stage this photo on a non-running day.

I runfess . . .
Lately the only reason my dynamic warmups have been happening are because it takes my Garmin Vivoactive 3 longer than I’d like to get a satellite signal most runs, leaving me enough time to do a quickie (and sometimes longer) dynamic warmup.

This past Monday I finally tried just seeing if it would pick up a signal on the run, like my old Vivoactive did. Apparently it will. Good, because I was really getting cross about how long it took to get a signal most days.

I runfess . . .
I am surprised that I’ve already had to resort to running in capris a few times when morning temps were in the low 50s. I’m always laying out two outfits, one with capris, one with a skirt.

My mom’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head one morning when I headed out for a run in capris and a tank top. Seriously, I wish I had a photo of that look! Mind you, this is a woman who wears turtlenecks all summer long.

I runfess . . .
This Monday’s run had me out the door without foam rolling. I’ll revisit this next week in my September grade, but foam rolling has been very scanty lately, and I miss it! I just knew I had a very narrow window to get out there for a run that wouldn’t be life-suckingly-bad once the clouds burned off.

It was the right call.

Using the little guy so my running  clothes wouldn’t get white blotches on them

I runfess . . .
In that same run I headed out without applying sunscreen. Usually I do it first thing when I wake up to avoid getting it all over my running clothes. I used to use Sun Bum, which is clear, but I tried another one that was on sale and it gets on everything.

I do have one of those small solid ones for my face, which I used. I also used it on my shoulders, neck and decolletage. Unfortunately I couldn’t reach my back. Really not good, and I runfess it’s not the only time it’s happened this month.

Sunscreen, even on a cloudy day, is really important, y’all! Do as I say, not as I rarely do.

I runfess . . .
I had one night when I got home from a visit to my parents where I ate the Garden of Eatin’ Sweet Potato chips my mom gave me (because of course she thought this healthy version tasted like cardboard) and greek yogurt for dinner. I was exhausted! And I’m human. Those sorts of instances are the exception — for sure! — not the rule.

What do you skip when you’re running out of time? 

What’s your go-to I’m-too-tired-to-even-reheat-something meal (not ordering in!)?

Have you had your first pumpkin whatever yet? Not me.

What do you have to runfess from September? Come join us


I am also linking up with:


34 thoughts on “The one where I skip stuff: Runfessions September 2019

  1. I laughed when I read these. None seemed like a runfession but just normal occurrences.

    We are very different.

    If it’s too cold for a skirt, it’s too cold for a tank. I have been running lately in short sleeves. Still in skirts.

    I run from work and forgot things often and still have to run. Sports bra, sports sunglasses, socks. At least I always remember sneakers.

    Haven’t bought pumpkin yet but friends have so I’ve eaten pumpkin stuff.

    Cooking. What’s that? Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope, the super girl tanks are very thick, so they work perfectly on those days that it’s on the bubble (plus have those extra pockets).

      I didn’t forget anything. I chose to not do it. There’s a difference.


    1. I have to say WTF is up with no one using sunscreen? People go to derms but won’t use sunscreen? It just seems backwards to me! Sorry. I really do think it’s important!

      I didn’t have to cook. All I had to do was warm something up. Didn’t even want to do that. Same thing happened last night for the same reason.


  2. A bowl of raisin bran is my go-to “meal” when I get home from a trip. I was so glad we weren’t out of milk when I got in from England! Sometime my Garmin finds GPS instantly, and sometimes it takes a while — it’s a good result if it makes me do more warming up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t do cereal at all (other than oatmeal). Because it doesn’t fill me up & it’s way to easy for me to eat too much of it.

      My original vivoactive got signals quickly, I don’t know why this newer version takes so long. But at least now I know I don’t have to wait on it. But agree — using that waiting time to warm up is a good thing.


  3. I runfess that I don’t do much with sunscreen these days, but most of my outdoor action happens before the sunrise anyways. It takes forever to get a GPS signal for me, too…and I usually stand in the same place each time, so I’m in a familiar spot LOL Maybe I need to find a better place to do such things…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Foam rolling is so hard to keep up with, but I know I feel better when I do it. And my “I’m too tired to cook” dinner is generally just chips and salsa. Not healthy at all but so good and so easy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When my life is normal (aka not driving all over the state), it’s not that hard to keep up with at least foam rolling before my run.

      Speaking of which, I’ve got to go foam roll cause I’m gonna run and this might be the first time I foam roll this week!


  5. I’ve been *trying* to do daily foam rolling..sometimes I fail t this task though, lol.

    I’ve had my share of “different” dinners from time to time – sometimes you’re just too tired to cook and that’s okay! I’ve been known to have cereal for dinner on occasion, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Seriously, I absolutely do miss foam rolling when I don’t do it. My routine takes approximately 10-15 minutes, but it’s so worth it.

      I don’t keep cereal in the house. Too tempting, too many empty calories (even the “healthy” ones. It was plaintain chips and greek yogurt last night. 🙂

      I would’ve stayed to eat dinner with my mom, except that would have meant driving home in the dark now. 😦


  6. The Caveman has been traveling all week so let’s just say there’ve been lots of tomato/cuke/lettuce/cheese sandwiches. I think one has to be a runner to truly understand how hot we get and how we need to dress as if it was much warmer.

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  7. I can’t wait until it’s cool enough to wear capris on my runs. The best I’ve gotten so far was one cooler weekend where the lows were in the 60’s but then it heated back up again. My go-to quick meal is a burrito from Trader Joe’s. I’ve never been too tired to warm one up in the microwave and they’re very filling!

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  8. I’m horrible about sunscreen! But my moisturizer has one already in it…so at least I’m somewhat protected. I’m like your Mom, indoor sweaters for the win! I don’t like cold air blowing on my head.

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  9. Since my herniated disc, I always do a dynamic warm-up before I head out for my run. Foam rolling, OTOH, never! My choice was reconfirmed when one therapist for my most recent injury said to do it, and the other one said not to. Sunscreen, moisturizer has it built-in, SPF 30. Apply to the rest of my body depending on the time of my run.

    Favorite “meal” when I really don’t feel like anything else: apple and peanut butter.

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  10. Cereal – which I’m coincidentally munching on right now because I picked up a sandwich for lunch, but nothing for dinner and don’t want to go back out.
    None of us could get a signal on Wednesday night’s run, it was kind of funny and we wondered what was up atmospherically.
    The little suncreen sticks are the best. I missed a spot at the Giants game two weeks ago and ouch, that hurt. Being unable to reach my back is part of why I don’t run in tanks. I burn way too easily

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    1. LOL, I do have some dark spots. & some wrinkles. I’m really fair, though, so I try hard to take care of my skin. Ohh my parents have had skin cancers removed, but I suppose that’s normal at their ages (90s).


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