More Garmin: Runfessions April 2021


While catching up over hot chocolate (yup, still drinking it hot!)

We’ve had lovely Spring weather in April, and several days of snow. Transitions are never easy! Most mornings still find me drinking a healthy hot chocolate, and I’ll add a scoop of collagen if it’s my post run snack, which it often is.

I runfess . . .
I have struggled with getting out earlier for my run longs on those warmer April days, and I paid the price — especially when I chose the wrong running clothes. I dragged myself through, with longer and longer walk breaks, on more than one long run this month. 

More time on your feet, right?


I runfess . . .
My Garmin Vivoactive has been acting a little strange lately. It seems like it’s often updating the software, and the last time it did that, I had already reached my step goal for the day and it dumped like a thousand steps.

I was annoyed. I don’t know why, it doesn’t really matter!

I runfess . . .
Another day I was charging my Garmin. It’s pretty much habit now that every time I make a cup of tea, I pace around while it’s steeping (3 minutes for Green tea, 5 minutes for herbal tea). If you pace around and you’re not wearing your Garmin, does it really count?

I sat down and relaxed.

I think it’s definitely frozen!

I runfess . . .
This one kind of makes me laugh every time I see the water bottle sitting in the freezer. You know how I’ve shared that I fill a water bottle halfway in the summer, and then let the water freeze overnight, then top it off with more water — the ice slowly melts and the water stays colder longer.

I have had a water bottle, filled halfway, in my freezer since last Summer. There have been a couple of those warm long runs when I wish I’d used it!

I’d tell you over hot chocolate . . . 
My mom does get confused easily. She often says she watched a movie that she’s never seen before, although I know she has — she just doesn’t remember it. She can’t always think of names and has mixed up dates for important appointments occasionally. 

She is 93

The date of my second vaccine? She was laser focused on that! That she remembered, because that was important to her.

If it’s not a running day for you, how do you get your steps in? 

What have you found in your home recently that made you laugh?

What do you have to runfess from April? Come join us


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35 thoughts on “More Garmin: Runfessions April 2021

    1. I find my Garmin last about 4 years. But really I end up replacing them because I want some new feature! I’ve only had 3 since I started to run, although I didn’t run with a GPS watch initially.


  1. I have a love hate relationship with my Garmin–the battery shows it needs to be charged, but then it doesn’t. So odd. Sometimes it won’t sync with my phone. But it does what I need and that is track my miles, so i can’t complain.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Only wear a watch for races and not always then. Running is fun.

    I get my steps in with long walks with friends. I walk longer if we talk. Like hours. And of course long hikes.

    Haven’t worn dressy clothes in two years. Yes my closet was a surprise.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have Garmin runfessions today too. I could make a whole post about putting off every day activities until my Garmin is charged up again!

    I still have my Nathan bladder in the freezer. Might need to break it out soon!

    Come back for coffee- or cocoa – again next week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I feel guilty about having a fancy Garmin that’s perfect for triathlon, and yet I’ve not done a tri in years. I recently found old “ice packs” that were designed to be slid inside run legging pockets designed for recovery. I called them my “ice pants”. I never use them anymore so out they went.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t focus on getting a set number of steps in, though I do like to get at least 10K. I don’t like that fact that Garmin keeps increasing your goal every day you exceed the current one. I think, if I really cared, I could turn that feature off and set it for 10K a day. But, I really don’t care enough. I do go for walks on days that I don’t run. And, I runfessed in my blog yesterday that I went for a walk instead of a run just because I didn’t want to sweat and have to take a shower before going into work. Have you ever done that?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A funny thing at home? Max has some kind of an obsession with my clean sports bras. He snags then off the drying rack and leaves a trail LOL You know I do a lot of walking, so that’s my big exercise/movement go-to on non-running days. I’ll be biking more now, as well, with the warmer temps 🙂

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  7. Interestingly my Garmin has been doing some very quirky things too lately, especially the battery. I’m wondering if it’s time for something new.

    How funny about the water bottle, though I have a feeling Mother Nature is going to spring warmer temps on us soon and you’ll be ready to put that bottle to use!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I haven’t used my Garmin watch in a while but I did notice that it always seemed to need an update, at least 1-2 times a month which I thought was odd. Sometimes it would also take a while for it to find the GPS signal, but I thought that was because it was around 4 years old, lol.

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  9. I don’t wear my Garmin during the day to track steps. But if I did, maybe I’d be more motivated to walk around! (And less motivated when I wasn’t wearing it!)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. “More time on your feet” is an excellent attitude to take for walking during a run. I walk during almost every run I do, including races. I figure it’s a great way to extend the run. Today is not a running day for me. I think I am going to ask Bill to take a walk with me. Maybe we can look for birds! He should love that 😉

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