Getting in my hikes before Winter: Runfessions October 2021


I know plenty of people hike year round, but I have enough trouble getting myself outside to run during Winter. Sure, those frozen waterfall photos are cool — but so are the temps. Well, they’re downright freezing! 

So I’ve been making a real effort to get in more hikes before the snow flies. Of course this is mostly a running blog, so there are plenty of runfessions to share from October too!

I runfess . . .
I liked the Saucony Endorphin Speeds so much, I went out and bought the Saucony Guide. They felt much heavier than the Endorphin Speed, but then I bought them for my easy runs.

Lured on by the waterfalls

I hikefess . . .
On a recent hike I told Mr. Judy I needed to move on (Bandit, too) while he was occupied taking photos. I did eventually text him which way I had gone. Apparently he was quite annoyed (and stressed) when I was “gone for half an hour while he walked up and down looking for me”.

No, I wasn’t lost, and no, it was nowhere near that long. I will apparently never live down getting lost (shared in my last Runfessions here). I also led the way on our anniversary hiking (which was thankfully quite clearly marked).

I runfess . . .
My Achilles has been behaving itself lately. Then the top of my foot started to hurt literally out of the blue one run. No, seriously, there wasn’t even a niggle there before it started hurting! I hate when that happens. I think it’s Extensor Tendonitis but luckily it mostly hasn’t bothered me since then (except that one time I wore rainboots at my mom’s).

Running for time

I runfess . . .
I have been playing around, just a little bit, with doing my long-er runs for time, rather than mileage. Adding on about 5 minutes to the previous week’s long-er run’s time, although not every single week. Perhaps at some point I’ll actually get up to 90 minutes and it can be a “real” long run. Or not — because Winter’s coming!

I runfess . . .
I have had to do a lot of research helping my mom: did she actually get the new meds? will Medicare cover the bill if she has to go to rehab again? Does Medicare pay for the oxygen equipment? I haven’t had much time to research treadmills yet, although I have started. Definitely hoping when I make my decision one is actually available!

I think I’ve narrowed it down to the Sole F65 or 80 or Nordictrack 1750 (I think that’s the model number). Leaning towards Sole. I want to see if I can find a few reviews from real runners, but I don’t need a lot of bells and whistles — I just need something that will last as long as my first treadmill, or nearly as long, anyway! Sole has a longer warranty which is part of why I lean that way.

Do you ever self diagnose? 

Are you winding down running for the year, or still training for something?

What do you have to runfess from October? Come join us


I am also linking up with:


25 thoughts on “Getting in my hikes before Winter: Runfessions October 2021

  1. Who me, self diagnose? I know just enough to be dangerous, lol… Funny, my dad called me yesterday for advice. He’s dealing with a stomach bug. Usually, my mom googles his symptoms, so I much prefer he checks in with me. She’s led him down some strange and not accurate paths.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been doing a bit of insurance research for my mom as well. Since she fell her hip gives her quite a bit of pain and she will not have it looked at. She insists her insurance doesn’t cover prescriptions meds (it does) and she insists she’s fine if she just doesn’t move. Deep breaths here. Caring for parents is tough.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. With a foot I usually self diagnose and then see a doctor. They are too important to let some pain go.

    You know me I have many races. 15k and a half. A 5k.

    In my mind over 8 miles is a long run. It’s never exact since I do not wear a watch. But if you are not racing it doesn’t matter. Just enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am sure figuring out all that healthcare and insurance stuff takes a TON of time. It is great that you are able to help your Mom with that.

    There’s a lot of treadmill talk on the FB group for Peloton digital users, if you want to hop into that for a short time. The only “negative” I’ve heard on that Sole is that it takes time to adjust speed and incline, so it’s not great for the HIIT workouts with constant/short intervals, but that might not be an issue with you. I’ve seen more complaints about Nordictrac generally.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve read a fair amount of complaints about Nordictrack customer service (although I know some bloggers have & love theirs). Nordic also comes with their own app free for the first year, but then it’s $40/mth. So I don’t need that! Thx for the tips, Coco.

      Recently we were trying to figure out some stuff with what Medicare would cover. I found a very thorough document online. I had to read it like 4 times & still wasn’t quite sure I understood it. I shared the link with my siblings.

      My brother agreed with my takeaways from it, but said it gave him a headache & he’s an employment lawyer, LOL!


  5. Well, treadmills….just this morning, I was kind of wishing I had a working treadmill rather than the mid-40F rainy and windy (21 mph!) weather outside, but all went well. But yeah, I’m going to need an indoor option even if I won’t be using it very much. All that medical stuff is really confusing. I’m grateful both of my parents are still around, and capable of doing most of that themselves…but I know the day is coming when my sister and I will have to assume that responsibility.

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  6. I always self diagnose and my running friends and I are always diagnosing each other. You know, sometimes we just know ha. All of your hikes looks so beautiful and peaceful. Have to take advantage of this weather while it lasts. I am sure all of the healthcare stuff w your mom does take up a lot of time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Here in Florida we’re just getting started! Lots of races coming up this winter- fingers crossed that I can actually run some of them.
    I always self-diagnose! It’s so easy now with the internet. That said, I was only 50% correct about my foot, so sometimes a doctor is helpful.

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  8. I honestly cannot believe how difficult/confusing they make medical coverage for older people. My parents are 70, now both retired, and I tried to help them with picking their insurance and felt like I needed a PHD to understand some of it – it’s really ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have begun to look into what Medicare will look like for us (roughly 4 years away for Mr. Judy & 5 for me. Yes, it’s very confusing — so great that your parents have you to help them out, Kim!


  9. I always self diagnose but if after a couple of days the things don’t improve I need the help of my (running) doctor.
    The places where you hike are beautiful.
    Here the weather is perfect for running so it’s time to come back to race!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I self diagnose all the time. It’s my favorite hobby LOL!

    I love taking pics, but I would have moved on too. Mr PugRunner knows to deal with that.

    I have a half marathon (for real) in February. We will be training through the holidays.

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