Outside 2; TM 1: 1/14 – 30 WRD

It’s been a frustrating week for the Yoga practice. I often do online videos (I’m a member of a couple of online studios), but the Internet was acting up and for several days and I couldn’t get through the practices — it was super annoying, the opposite of what Yoga should be. Sometimes it would literally hang every minute, other times it would leave you hanging in plank — not really ideal!


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and running into February.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (40 min), PB Walking with Weights (20 min), Dogwalk, Filmed Yoga Videos (40 min)
  • Tuesday: Yoga AM (30 min), 3 miles easy, Some Light Shoveling, Dogwalk Yoga PM (20 min)
  • Wednesday: Yoga AM (35 min), Cardio Toning (20 min)
  • Thursday: Yoga (45 minutes), Walk at Olana
  • Friday: Yoga (10 min), Barre without Weights (15 min), 2 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Saturday: Yoga (30 min), PB Walking (15 min), Some Shoveling
  • Sunday: Yoga (30 min), Peloton Movie Cycle WU (10 min), 2 miles easy, too cold to walk Bandit, hopefully Yoga later

Running Mileage: 7  (-1) 

PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

Footprint on the driveway. Thankfully streets were clear.

Tuesday Intention: stay upright, go easy
We’d had a light dusting of snow overnight, so you never know where black ice might hide. I wore my trail shoes just in case — they always make me slower! This was a particularly slow run mostly due to the slow second mile. But it was a run, and it was outside.

Poor little guy is looking sad. Maybe he’s tired of the cold too! He’s been there at least a week, if not more, and we don’t even have that much snow.

Friday Intention: take it easy
I had a call which I assumed was in the afternoon — well, you know what they say about assuming. Turned out it was at 10 am. So I got my butt in gear and did a short run before it. Nothing much really to say about this one; it was fine.

Plus even though there wasn’t much snow the roads are still iffy

Sunday Intention: easy with some speed
At the beginning of this week I truly thought I’d be running outside today. We were going to have snow yesterday, we weren’t, only an inch — well, it was only about 3 inches. The road in my neighborhood was still not great for running and besides too cold.

I’d been feeling kind of meh after the trip to my mom, and I really battled with myself over 2 or 3 miles — I mean really, like it would make a difference. I liked the 90s run today, even though I modified heavily because there was a fair amount of speedwork — some I did, some I didn’t. I loved the movie songs warmup (anything which includes a song from the Greatist Showman will make me happy).

A pretty day but bitterly cold & windy

Favorites of the week
Another busy but quiet week. It was so cold at Olana this week! My fingers hurt so much it reminded me of when we lived in VT (just from exposing the tips a minute here and there to take photos). I had two thermoses with me, one with tea and one with warm lemon water. Those hot beverages were most welcome.

It’s really nice to see the sun but it would be even nicer to actually feel warm!

All that work I did at the business office at my moms a few weeks ago worked. So this week’s visit could be an actual visit.

Other than that not a whole lot going on. I did make an effort to cook and eat a little bit better than I have been — not that I’ve really been eating badly, but relying too heavily on frozen or prepared food. I made a few dishes *I* really enjoyed (sorry, honey, but it’s good for you).

No Bandit this week because yesterday’s sunset. #nofilter

ICYMI: Not only will this “quick” Yin Yoga practice warm you up for a run, it will help you calm any jitters all while working on that the entire posterior chain. I also have a short talk on what not to do in Yin Yoga.

Yin Yoga Warm Up click here * Yin Yoga Don’ts vlog click here

Coming up on Tuesday & Friday: Tuesday I’m wrapping up January. Friday it’s time to get together over your hot beverage of choice and catch up on what’s going on in our lives.

33 thoughts on “Outside 2; TM 1: 1/14 – 30 WRD

  1. We had some internet issues recently but I had spectrum come over and they replaced cables etc. hey. We pay enough for internet. And my job depends on it.

    Yes it was a very cold week. But once you get out the door it’s not that bad. Like today. The sun saved me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What’s that lovely brick building in your photograph? It reminds me of the “gingerbread houses” near to me! I will have a look at that calming yoga, I’ve had a week of being upset about a million things and having to be very intentional about sorting them out, so I could do with that I would imagine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s Frederic Church’s house, Olana. He was a painter & there are many amazing views there. Plus it’s halfway to my mom, open every day & has a bathroom. 😊

      I’m sorry it’s been a trying week for you. 😔


  3. What a pretty sunset! sorry you had wifi probs that always seems to happen at the most inopportune times. We also had a really cold week for us but I bundled up and got out there. I tend to warm up fast and then regret some of my layers. Have a great week ahead

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My layering was totally on-point while in Florida…but Florida’s cold is a far cry from Iowa’s. This week is going to be interesting, starting at o’dark thirty tomorrow morning.Wifi can really be a game-changer if it’s not working…I had a few episodes while in Florida (work-related), but they were resolved pretty quickly. I love the sunset pic! I’m eager to see a few of those, via Iowa, since the daylight’s change from five weeks ago. Stay tuned 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ha ha, yes, if you’re going to leave me hanging let it be child’s pose, not plank!
    I’m loving your photos!!!! I would say I can tell you took a class, but I’ve always thought they were great. Sounds like you had an active week in spite of the snow and cold!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that would’ve been preferable (child)! Which reminds me I should download a class for tomorrow — thank you!

      It’s actually been hard to up my photo game cause it’s just so freakin’ cold out there!


  6. Internet glitches are so annoying. I know it’s a first world problem but we are so reliant on it!

    I don’t dare run at all if there’s a bit of snow. Our neighborhood is so prone to black ice. Even when the snow is long gone people’s yards drain onto the sidewalk and freeze overnight.

    That sunset is stunning.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pc problems are frustrating. My wife is a teacher and part of her work, in this period of covid, is from home. Well, her pc, on Friday, stopped working and now she is waiting for the new one.
    A very good week of activities without a single day of rest. Despite the cold and the snow you are working hard, congrats!
    Great photos as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not really working hard — mostly just moving! But thanks. Thursday was sort of my rest day, just involved 3 hours of driving & some walking. 😊

      I’m so sorry your wife had that frustration! What does she teach?


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