Compassion: May 2022

Compassion is the wish to see others free of suffering. — The Dalai Lama

I consider myself to be a compassionate person, but I’m not going to lie — sometimes my mother’s complaining gets to me, the way she sometimes rewrites history. The quote above is a good reminder to me to just be a better listener, and not always strive to correct her when she says something that just isn’t true. She thinks it’s true, and it causes her to suffer.

How did May go? Let’s see!

Getting in scheduled runs
Running went pretty well in May. My scheduled break with running just before Memorial Day was planned.

Grade Earned:  A

Dynamic Warmup
Much easier in the warmer months, although it’s always really tempting to skip when time is short. Most days I won the battle.

Grade Earned: A

Foam Rolling
I got into the habit of thinking to myself “I’ll do my rolling after my Yoga” — yeah, that often didn’t happen. So it was hit or miss this month. I learned from that, though, that I am better off doing my foam rolling first.

Grade Earned: A

Going all in on the Lobster Roll (Mr. Judy trying to recreate the photo of me eating one after finishing the Smuttynose Half).

Nutrition was relatively good until vacation. I tried valiantly, and I will say there wasn’t as much baked goods or chocolate as past vacations, but whenever you’re in a group you do have to go with the flow to some degree, and often the flow wasn’t what I would choose for myself. Happy to be back home and get back to healthy eating! Well, sort of. Still no desire actually cook.

Grade Earned: A

I joke this is Mr. Judy in his church. Easier to get him out hiking on vacation — especially when we don’t have to drive.

Cross Training
The usual suspects. I think I did a better job with ST this month. There’s also been a decent amount of hiking — short hikes, but it doesn’t have to be long to get the health benefits from being out in nature and climbing up and down.

Grade Earned: A

Came so close to losing my hat here (which is why I’m not wearing it in other pics). Had to bend over & hold onto the stone steps to get down here but it was worth it!

May 2022  gets  . . . 
. . . an A. I indulged more than I should have at times, but I’ve really tried to balance that out with healthy eating. I just need a bit more energy to get in more cooking and more mileage.

May Goals:

  • Run 3 x week. Y. Happy to be running 3 x week and getting up to 7 miles a few times.
  • ST 3 x week. Y.  I did well with ST this month..
  • Cardio/ST before 10 am on non-running days. Y/N.  Some days. I think this is a goal I’m letting go of. There are many days it happens, and some days where I actually want to take it easy in the morning — it’s not good to always push.
  • Work on some future Yoga projects. Y. I filmed almost a month’s worth of videos — and edited and uploaded them. I even wrote and scheduled several newsletters ahead of time!
  • At least one real rest day a week Y. I did, but I won’t lie — it wasn’t always easy to get in a rest day.
  • A vacation. Y. I won’t lie, as COVID started to surge again, I personally had second thoughts about whether or not this was the right time, but my husband really wanted to go..
  • A race? N. I’ll know when the right race comes along, and it just didn’t for me this month.
  • Continue to try to eat intuitively — unless the weight starts to creep up. Y. I think that the higher number on the scale had a lot more to do with sodium (maybe a little sugar). I don’t weigh myself often anymore, usually once a month.

Which leads me to June Goals:

  • Run 3 x week. Summer running isn’t really my jam and I’m not training for anything. This might be a struggle this week (most likely will have to spend a few nights at my mom’s).
  • ST 3 x week. I’ve been doing well, but this first week in June, again, might be on the light side.
  • Try to get Weekly Mileage to 15 miles Not sure if it’ll happen, but I’ve begun to consider a half at some point in the future (like, months away). I’m relatively sure it will be pretty slow, but I like to be prepared. And that means laying down a good base. We’ll see what life throws me in June.
  • More hiking. Whether that’s on the way to my mom or with Mr Judy (or both).
  • At least one real rest day a week. I am not really the antsy type, but still, there are things that have to get done so sometimes a true rest day is hard to come by. Important, though!
  • A race? Not so sure about this one. Again, Summer running not my favorite. TBD.
  • Start planning next getaway. Most likely another getaway to explore a potential state to retire to. Most likely we’ll take Bandit, and that requires a bit more planning.
  • Continue to try to eat intuitively — unless the weight starts to creep up. I’m not sure why I’ve been struggling so much with cooking lately. I just want healthy food to appear. Wish it worked that way.

Linking up with Zenaida Arroyo and Kim @ Kookyrunner

This week I am also joining up with the new Runners’ Roundup linkup.


20 thoughts on “Compassion: May 2022

  1. Well done on your May, Judy!
    It isn’t easy to stick to healthy eating when you’re in a group. But I’m sure June will be better.
    I’m not a big cook either. I just make sure I have plenty of vegetables in the fridge and then eat them with hummus or something similar.
    Not exactly gourmet-style but at least it’s healthy and doesn’t take much time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done… you met most of your goals.

    I was very surprised with COVID that you went on vacay and stayed with non-relatives. Happy that it went well and you stayed healthy (Too soon to tell?)

    Looked like you had fun and vacations are the time for indulging (on food).

    Ice cream is my downfall in summer. Hopefully all the miles will help! I seem to be preferring the race over the hike these days. Gas is $$$ and most of the local hikes I’ve been to so many times.

    Good luck with the June goals!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are fine. Since we went to my mom’s yesterday we both tested at home, even though we had no symptoms. Still definitely feel I have to be careful with going there.

      Gas is insane and unfortunately I’ve had to go to my mom’s a lot the last few months.


  3. I’m totally with you- I don’t want to cook, I just want healthy food to appear. Is that really too much to ask?
    Funny how hard it is to practice compassion when it’s your parents! It’s like a whole other set of rules exists just for them. Good luck this week. And nice job in May- you did really well, and I appreciate how you’re honest with yourself if a goal turns out not to be realistic. Onward to June!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL that’s exactly what I often think — “I just want healthy food to appear”. No, I don’t think that’s too much to ask!

      Let’s just say this week is going to be interesting. Hopefully things go smoothly.


  4. Sounds like a great month! It can be so tough to get motivated to cook. I try to remind myself that I already spent the money on food so I might as well cook it. But sometimes ordering delivery is way easier!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad you had such a good month. I’ve been struggling with healthy eating this month…I’m not sure why, but sometimes I feel like you just have to enjoy life. Am I right? Compassion should extend to yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It looks like you had a good month, Judy! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if quick food was healthy food instead of usually being the opposite? Even making simple salads takes a while with cleaning and chopping all the veggies.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That’s an impressive report card! I’m glad the month went well for you 😉 Yeah, what Deb said…the “simple” food isn’t always so convenient, LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Another great month for you! Sometimes I pick my battles with her and agree with what she says. I go with the flow. I need to learn to eat healthier. My shorts are tight so I am doing something wrong. Maybe it is stress?

    Liked by 1 person

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